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Master - Tutoriumsprogramm WiSe 23/24

For our new Master Students we offer an orientation unit and a tutorial.

You are invited to join the introductory event for our Bachelor students on October 4th, 5th and 6th in the Geo-Bio lecture hall, Zülpicher Straße 49.

During the semester there will be a tutorial for Master students in the evening every other week. You will get information about your study program, KLIPS and ILIAS, and other university-related topics. Moreover, you will get to meet your fellow Master students, socialize and explore cologne. Your tutors will be two older master students (Paula and Paula), who are looking forward to pass on their knowledge and show you some great spots to spend your end of day.


If you have any further questions, you can reach us via tutoriumbiologieSpamProtectiongooglemail.com. You can also find us on instagram (tutprog23_24).

Blanche Claßen, Blue Schmitz and Sebastian Deutsch